I’m a mum-of-two and full-time psychologist who has spent little over a decade intermittently failing, flailing and flourishing in the parenting trenches.
Well above and beyond my professional training, having kids has been the biggest ‘education’ of my life.
Here are some of the things I’ve learned:
Parenting is about unlearning lots of things.
A sense of humour (and improv comedy skills) is a HUGE asset.
Having kids is like having one’s beating heart walking around OUTSIDE one’s body: vulnerability that nothing can prepare you for!
Kids can teach us far more about ourselves than we’d ever dream, if we let them.
Stretchmarks never go away. Ever.
But the most important and valuable lesson I have learned so far is:
Parenting is about serious self-work.
The work we do within ourselves can impact the way we parent-
My first book, ‘The Parenting Climb in Nonsense Rhyme’ is my solidarity manifesto and love letter to fellow parents all over the world extending on this message. It’s a quirky, parenting encouragement and self-help book in short rhymes. You know, for those stolen moments you (might) get by yourself on the toilet.
Obviously also optimised for modern attention span.
Re-reading this, I realise I’ve told you more ‘about’ why I wrote this book than about myself…
I guess because I think this message is more relevant to you as a reader than bits and bobs about my life. After all, what right have I to claim a few hours of your life with my book? You’ve got to know what you’ll get out of it, right?
Also, if you'd like to be a fly on the wall witnessing some of my trials, tribulations (and the odd triumph) as a parent, then do take a peek at my blog. Go on...you know you want to...
Much love,